Resource Library
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- Kubernetes
First Person Platform E04 - Ian Evans on security as an enabler for financial institutions
The fourth episode of First Person Platform, a podcast: platform engineers and security practitioners nerd out with Ori Shoshan on access controls, Kubernetes, and platform engineering.
- Kubernetes
First Person Platform E04 - Ian Evans on security as an enabler for financial institutions
The fourth episode of First Person Platform, a podcast: platform engineers and security practitioners nerd out with Ori Shoshan on access controls, Kubernetes, and platform engineering.
- Webinars
Apr 14 2023Simplify Kubernetes cluster mapping
In this tutorial, we'll explore how to streamline Kubernetes cluster mapping using open-source tools that enable you to visualize pod-to-pod traffic within your K8s environment.
- Zero-trust
Mar 29 2023Least-privilege for Kafka data
Discover the key challenges and solutions in securing sensitive data within Kafka, emphasizing the significance of least-privilege access control across various use cases such as event-driven architectures, messaging, queuing, and data stream aggregation.
- Core
Jul 08 2022The essence
Discover the thrill of "the startup way," exploring the continuous joy of discovery throughout a startup's growth, including aspects like team dynamics, technologies, insights about businesses, and personal revelations.
- Core
Jul 07 2022So you want to deploy mTLS
Join the journey of a platform engineer securing traffic in a production environment, as they explore implementing mTLS to ensure encryption and authentication in a way that's user-friendly for the whole team.