Resource Library
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- Kubernetes
First Person Platform E04 - Ian Evans on security as an enabler for financial institutions
The fourth episode of First Person Platform, a podcast: platform engineers and security practitioners nerd out with Ori Shoshan on access controls, Kubernetes, and platform engineering.
- Kubernetes
First Person Platform E04 - Ian Evans on security as an enabler for financial institutions
The fourth episode of First Person Platform, a podcast: platform engineers and security practitioners nerd out with Ori Shoshan on access controls, Kubernetes, and platform engineering.
- Podcasts
Apr 23 2023Understanding intent-based access control
How does one understand and define the intent? And more importantly, how to we enforce our intentions with access control? This week's guest is Uri Sarid, he is a man with a long list of credentials and walks us through exactly what is intent-based control and how we can implement it in our organizations.
- Webinars
Apr 14 2023Simplify Kubernetes cluster mapping
In this tutorial, we'll explore how to streamline Kubernetes cluster mapping using open-source tools that enable you to visualize pod-to-pod traffic within your K8s environment.