The Otter’s Den

Your go-to hub for Kubernetes security and tech know-how

  • IBAC
  • Network
  • Zero-trust
  • Kubernetes
Jun 13 2024
Mastering Kubernetes networking: Otterize's journey in cloud-native packet management

Master Kubernetes networking with a comprehensive packet walk, and learn how Otterize helps build adaptive Network Policies.

    • Amazon
    Nov 28 2023
    Otterize launches open-source, declarative PostgreSQL permissions for RDS workloads on AWS EKS clusters

    Effortlessly manage database access complexities through the open-source intents-operator and credentials-operator, enabling seamless control of permissions via Kubernetes, ensuring security, and simplifying the entire process with the efficiency of IBAC (intent-based access control).

    • Core
    • IBAC
    • Network Policy
    • AWS
    • EKS
    Sep 13 2023
    How to gradually roll out network policies with the new AWS EKS VPC

    Learn how Otterize makes it easy to apply zero-trust network policies to one service while being completely certain you aren't affecting any others. Discover how you can do that in a few minutes.

    • Core
    • IBAC
    • Network Policy
    • AWS
    • EKS
    Aug 31 2023
    AWS releases built-in network policy enforcement for AWS EKS

    Discover the latest advancement in AWS EKS as AWS unveils built-in support for enforcing Kubernetes network policies using the native VPC CNI, and simplify the implementation challenges with the open-source Otterize intents operator and network mapper.

    • Kubernetes
    • Network Policy
    • Zero-trust
    • IBAC
    Aug 07 2023
    Using Helm dashboard and intents-based access control for pain-free network segmentation

    Explore an effortless method for Kubernetes network segmentation using Helm Dashboard and the intents operator, enabling a gradual transition to zero trust with step-by-step network policy implementation.

    • IBAC
    • Kubernetes
    • Network
    Jul 19 2023
    Joining Otterize and the modern network stack

    In this blog post, delve into my journey of joining Otterize as the Head of Developer Relations after a background in data and IoT, exploring the exciting shift into the realm of Kubernetes and the modern network stack.

    • IBAC
    • Network Policy
    Apr 24 2023
    Revisiting network policy management

    Explore my journey of revisiting network policy management after three and a half years, reflecting on the challenges faced at Monzo and discovering the evolution towards a solution through intent-based access control for effective service authorization rules.

    • Podcasts
    Apr 23 2023
    Understanding intent-based access control

    How does one understand and define the intent? And more importantly, how to we enforce our intentions with access control? This week's guest is Uri Sarid, he is a man with a long list of credentials and walks us through exactly what is intent-based control and how we can implement it in our organizations.

    • Press
    Apr 19 2023
    Intent-based access control for Kubernetes and cloud

    • Webinars
    Apr 14 2023
    Simplify Kubernetes cluster mapping

    In this tutorial, we'll explore how to streamline Kubernetes cluster mapping using open-source tools that enable you to visualize pod-to-pod traffic within your K8s environment.